Commercial Insurance Questionnaire Business Name DBA (If Applicable) Entity TypeSelectIndividualJoint VenturePartnershipTrust, LLCCorporationNon-ProfitFEIN or SSN Business PhoneWebsite Mailing Address Contact Name and Title Direct Phone #Email Annual Gross Receipts (Income Before Expenses) Annual Employment Payroll Location Address, Own or Lease, # of Employees per location Description of Operations (Please be as detailed as Possible)License Type License # Number Of Additional Insureds Needed Is business a subsidiary of another entity Yes No What Type Of Coverage Do You Need?SelectGeneral LiabilityAutomobilePropertyWork CompBondE&OCyber LiabilityHealthOtherAny Losses in the last 5 years Please attach Copies of polices if available Drop files here or Select files Max. file size: 512 MB.